Pumpkin Spice Scones

Just like how Starbucks makes them, well, not really. I really did try to replicate the taste. Except, I forgot to add the vanilla extract to the dough so I added it to the spiced icing instead. This scone tastes less sugary than what you can get at Starbucks. There's only a third of a cup of brown sugar in the whole batch, plus whatever icing that was squiggled on top of the scones. These taste really good when eaten the same day they're baked. They're slightly less fresh the day after. And, the scones have dried out somewhat after that but a good complement to tea and/or coffee.
Pumpkin Spice Scones, glazed and all for me...!

This dough was really, really wet and sticky. I was concerned that it wouldn't form into the triangles after baking. If you want easier cleanup, place a silicone mat under the rack that the scones are cooling on before glazing.

Scone Ingredients

2 c unbleached all purpose flour
1/3 c light brown sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3/4 tsp ground cloves
3/4 tsp ground ginger
3/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 c organic pumpkin purée
1 large egg
up to 3 tbsp organic half'n'half
1 stick (8 tbsp) cold unsalted butter, cut into chunks

Spiced Glaze Ingredients

1 c powdered sugar
1 tbsp organic half'n'half
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

To make the dough, blend together all the dry ingredients and the butter in a food processor. Next, add all the wet ingredients (egg, pumpkin, half'n'half). Pulse until it just comes together. It'll be sticky and wet.

Turn dough out onto a silicone mat. If the dough is too sticky, wet your fingers with some water and gently press the dough out into a rectangular shape. You're aiming for an even block of dough that is 1/2" tall. If you're as good as a Starbuck's baker, you can pat this dough out to be 10" x 7". But, if you're not, it'll look like some rectangular blob.

Use a pastry knife and cut the triangle in half and in half again. Of the smaller triangles, cut these diagonally to make triangle wedges. Don't try to break these apart when they are wet. It simply will not work.

Bake on a rimmed or unrimmed baking sheet for 15 minutes. Try to break out the wedges as individual pieces and cool on a wire rack.

To make the spiced glaze:

Combine all the glaze ingredients together in a bowl. And use a spoon or sandwich bag to create zig-zag lines on top of the scones.

To make a simple sugar glaze:

Combine all the glaze ingredients except for the pumpkin pie spice and glaze accordingly.

AB Lavash Crackers

After having consumed many boxes of soda crackers, I thought I might try my hand again at making flat bread crackers. Although, these crackers are neither flat nor very hard cracker-like. This has turned out to be more of a soft flat bread than anything. On a humid, rainy day like today, it needs at least 12 minutes in the oven. I also reduced the amount of salt by half and it doesn't seem to have affected the taste since I am eating it with some baba ganoush.
Freshly made lavash crackers


2 1/2 c unbleached all purpose flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp organic granulated sugar
2/3 c warm water
1 egg
2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
1-2 tbsp melted butter for brushing


In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together. Gently knead into a ball. Divide dough into thirds or quarters. Cover with a tea towel or the same bowl that the dough was mixed in. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

On a silicon mat that is large/small enough to fit on top of a standard sized baking tray, lightly dust with flour and roll out the dough to as thin as it will go without spilling over the sides of the mat.

Lightly brush the melted butter on top of the dough. If you don't own a baking sheet (rimless) Place silicone mat on an inverted rimmed baking tray (simply flip the tray over so you are baking on its flat side). Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the edges are light golden brown.

This recipe is from Alton Brown. And my crackers look nothing like his. Hmm. 

Ramen Noodles from Scratch

Most of the ramen noodle recipes I found on the web didn't call for egg as one of the dough ingredients. This is my second attempt at making ramen noodles. The recipe is pretty simple. While it is cheap to make, it probably doesn't compare to the convenience of the store-bought packages. The liquid potassium carbonate can be found in most Asian grocery stores and can be substituted with an equal amount baked baking soda.
Homemade Ramen Noodles w/ shitake mushrooms and egg

Serves: 6


2 c unbleached all purpose flour
2 tbsp vital wheat gluten
1/2 c warm water
1 tsp potassium carbonate (liquid)


In a large bowl, stir all ingredients together. Knead into a ball. Cut into quarters and place unused portions into a plastic bag or covered with a clean kitchen towel.

Flatten the ball out with your hand and lightly dust it with flour on both sides. Either roll it out thin with a rolling pin or use a pasta machine and crank the dough through each setting twice until you come to the second to last setting. My pasta machine goes numerically from 1-8, with 1 being the largest aperture. For ramen noodles, I use setting #7 (second to smallest thickness).

Use the noodle cutting attachment to cut the noodles from the long length of dough.

Bring a large stockpot of lightly salted (1-2 tsp kosher salt) water to a boil. Fresh ramen noodles will cook in about 3-4 minutes.

Do not cook the noodles directly in the broth it will be served in.

To serve: Remove cooked noodles from the pot with a spider strainer (also found at an Asian grocery store, it usually has a long metal or bamboo handle with a steel mesh strainer) to a soup bowl. Add 1 soup ladle of the noodle's cooking water plus 2 soup ladles of the broth you are serving the noodles with. Garnish with toasted nori, halved hard-boiled egg, fresh or fried bean sprouts, etc.

Baked Zucchini Chips

These chips took a lot of time and effort for so little reward. Although, now I can say that I ate two zucchinis in five minutes. I'll need a lot more trays, oven racks, or a food dehydrator to do this recipe again. My all-time favorite way to eat zucchini is breaded and deep fried. 
Zucchini chips: slice, place, bake!

Preheat oven to 225 degrees F.


organic zucchinis, as many as will fit in the palm of your hand
a pinch of salt, less than 1/4 tsp
1 tbsp olive oil


Use the cutting blade disc with the food processor, this is faster and easier than using a mandoline slicer. The only advantage the mandoline has over the food processor is the width size of the vegetable.

On a parchment paper-lined baking tray, place zucchini rounds side by side until the tray is full. Repeat with other trays. Use a pastry brush to brush each round with a little bit of olive oil. Sprinkle salt on top, if you want. You can always add more salt after these finish baking.

If your oven heats evenly, you shouldn't need to rotate the trays.

Bake for two hours, or until everything looks dry and lightly browned. Use a spatula to remove the chips from the trays to a plate or airtight container, should the chips actually last that long.

Kitchen Notes: Game Day Eats

Thinking about what to make before game day? You'll probably want to start with the easy stuff. Appetizers that people will enjoy and not make a mess as you are heating up the grill for the heavier stuff. Many of these recipes can all be done a day ahead. I'd put the potstickers into the oven on a baking tray to reheat them all up. Maybe 5-10 mins at 400 degrees F would suffice to get them extra crispy.

Here are a few ideas from this blog:

Sauces & Dips

No Mayonnaise Green Onion Sour Cream Dip
Edamame Pesto - good with crackers and sturdier chips
Fresh Salsa - just omit the canning part of the recipe


Pumpkin Fried Rice
Roast Duck Wings
Roasted Shrimp with Honey-Ginger
Soft Pretzels
Sweet Potato Fries
Baked Nachos with Black Beans and Cheese
Easy Kale Chips


Moroccan Couscous Salad
Quinoa Salad
Spinach and Strawberry Salad


Ginger Beer - start this at least 3 days before game day. It's not quite alcoholic nor is it a soft beverage. It's somewhere in between those two. Use your best judgement if children are around.

Edamame Pesto

I really thought I was going to make pea pesto today from Giada de Laurentiis' recipe. Sadly, I ate the last bag of frozen peas and didn't remind myself to buy more. But, what else is green and comes in a pod...? Edamame, the sexy name for soybeans. Per cup, edamame has about 17 grams of protein vs organic green peas which have 4 grams of protein per 2/3 cup (if you were looking at a Trader Joe's package). These pair well with the multiseed flatbread crackers that Trader Joe's also carries. One day, I'll figure out the ratio of seeds on top and make these myself. Onto the recipe...
Ingredients for edamame pesto

1 lb edamame in-shell, cooked then unshelled
1/2 c grated Parmesan cheese
2-3 tbsp olive oil
1-2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp kosher salt, or to taste


1. In the bowl of a food processor, pulse together edamame, cheese, and garlic.

2. While running, drizzle in olive oil, salt and black pepper until well combined. Less than a minute.

3. Scoop everything out into a small bowl.

Makes almost 2 cups.
Spreadable Edamame Pesto

Faux "Cheddar" Cheese aka Coconut Cheese

One of the most dangerous things to have in the pantry is all the ingredients for an experiment. Cost-wise, it isn't any cheaper than buying a gallon of milk on sale; but it does make a lot more of that cheesy substance. The coagulation is achieved by using agar agar, a vegetarian gelatin derived from seaweed; and also tapioca starch, which helps with the thickening. Before I added turmeric powder as a colorant, it tasted a tad on the salty side and had the consistency of a molten cheese sauce.
Coconut Cheese Ingredients

Also, the agar agar that I bought from Fubonn came in a two-pack of moulded agar agar bars. I used one and ground it into flakes using a mini food prep.
Coconut cheese in a parchment lined loaf pan,
looks ominous...
Since coconut oil is a solid at room temperature, as the coconut cheese cools, it will firm up. If I stick it into the refrigerator overnight, I might just be able to slice or grate it like a normal block of cheese. 


2 cans (800ml) coconut cream (70% or more coconut milk)
3 tbsp agar flakes
1/2 tsp cider vinegar
4 tbsp tapioca starch
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp sea salt (more than this is too much)
1/4 c nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 tsp turmeric powder (optional, for color) doesn't help the taste


1. In a large pot, bring coconut milk to a boil. Add vinegar, agar flakes, and salt. Boil gently for 15 minutes until the agar dissolves completely.

2. Whisk in the remainder of the ingredients, one at a time, until everything is well combined. I put in the starch all at once and it clumped up immediately. Maybe next time I should just sprinkle and whisk it in. Cook for another 8-10 minutes.

3. Remove from heat and pour into either a greased glass bowl or a parchment paper-lined loaf pan.

4. Let cool for a few hours. It will set at room temperature. If you would like it to be firmer, for grating or slicing, put it into the fridge overnight.

Recipe ratio from All the Cooks.

[update] 2015-01-29: Well, 2 tsp of sea salt was too much. This batch made 1 lb 7 oz of faux cheese. It is so salty, I'm thinking of reheating it with some potatoes. Refrigeration did not help the consistency. It's like cutting through soft tofu. Definitely cannot "shred" it with a grater. Spreads easily.

Ginger Beer

After the disastrous episode of making hard cider from scratch (came out tasting flat and very, very dry), I thought I would try my hand at making some ginger beer. I hope there is still some oomph left in the leftover champagne yeast. It's been lurking in a ziplocked bag in the fridge for about a year. This batch will presumably make 2 liters, which is good since I have two one-liter flip-top glass bottles.
If everything goes right, ginger beer in 2-3 days.

The ingredient ratio comes from The Roasted Root


1/4 c fresh ginger, peeled and grated
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 c fresh lemon juice (1-2 lemons)
1 c cane sugar (add additional 1/4 c sugar if you enjoy a sweeter ginger beer)
1 tsp active dry yeast or champagne yeast
4 cups of filtered water + 5 cups of cold filtered water
One 2-liter plastic bottle with a screw top or a 1-gallon carboy with an S-curve airlock


Start by adding ginger, cream of tartar, and lemon juice to an 8-quart stock pot. 

Add 4 cups of chlorine-free filtered water. Bring to a boil and add sugar. Boil until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and add remaining 5 cups of chlorine-free filtered water.

Wait until the liquid temperature is between 75-100 degrees F. Then, add the yeast and stir.

Cover and let rest in a dark place for 3 hours. I just covered the pot with its lid and stuck it into the oven. Seems dark enough in there.

Use a fine strainer and pour liquid into a 5-quart bowl, to remove the small bits of ginger.

Use a funnel to fill the carboy. Fill airlock with water and attach to carboy. Place carboy in a dark, warm room.

Wait 2 days (sweeter), or 3 days (drier).

Once the beer has finished brewing (e.g., airlock stops releasing CO2), transfer to glass bottles with flip-top lids and store in the refrigerator. This slows the fermentation process and be careful when opening the bottles. 

Radish Kimchi

This is also known as daikon kimchi or Korean "kkakdugi", though it could probably use a lot more chili flakes for that. This recipe is from a book called Asian Pickles by Karen Solomon. When I weighed the radish, I found that I didn't quite have two pounds. I reduced the amount of salt and chili flakes for the initial ferment cycle. 


1 daikon radish, about 2 lbs
1 tbsp fine sea salt
2 tbsp granulated sugar
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and minced
2 tbsp Korean chili flakes
2 tbsp fish sauce


1. Peel and cube the radish into 1/2" pieces. Toss in a large bowl with salt and sugar. Let the water drain from the radish for 30 minutes. Drain the water and reserve the radish.

2. In the same bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and stir to combine.

3. Cover with a lid and set bowl in a cool, dark corner in the kitchen. Let ferment for 1-3 days. Stir once each day it ferments.

4. Transfer pickled radish to a clean glass jar and cap. Store in refrigerator. Eat within two weeks.

Pumpkin Pound Cake

This was my favorite dessert for this year's T-Day holiday. Not only was it delicious the day I made it, it was just as tasty the next day and the next. What can I say. I love pound cake. I had a hard time spreading the sugar glaze and it seemed as though the glaze could handle a lot more liquid than what the recipe originally called for.
Pumpkin Pound Cake with a Sugar Glaze

Cake Ingredients:

3 3/4 c unbleached all-purpose flour
3/4 c organic pumpkin pureé
3/4 c whole milk
6 large eggs
1 1/2 c organic granulated sugar
1 1/2 c unsalted butter, softened
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda

Cake Directions:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter and dust with flour a 12-cup Bundt pan.

1. In a large bowl, sift together flour, spice, baking powder and baking soda.

2. In a separate bowl, beat butter and sugar together until creamy. Add an egg, one at a time and beat until combined.

3. Alternate flour and milk while mixing into the egg/butter/sugar mixture until everything is combined.

4. Spoon into a prepared Bundt pan and bake for an hour. If a toothpick comes out clean, the cake is done.

Sugar Glaze Ingredients:

1 1/2 c powdered sugar
3 tbsp unsalted butter, softened
3+ tbsp whole milk

Put glaze ingredients into a bowl and whisk together with enough milk until it is thin enough to pour on top of cake. 

Pumpkin Roll with Candied Ginger

This is another dessert I made for Thanksgiving. It's also really easy to do if you're pressed on time. Party guests will enjoy the presentation of this one. Use a wet knife to cut this into 3/4" slices. Pumpkin and cream cheese go well together, candied ginger brings the element of heat and warm spice to the filling. While I only put a handful of chopped candied ginger in, I think the filling can accommodate much more...maybe up to a half cup of candied ginger? Guests who tried this only remembered the ginger after having been told there was candied ginger in the filling.

Pumpkin Roll with Candied Ginger
Cake Ingredients

3/4 c unbleached all-purpose flour
2/3 c canned organic pumpkin pureé
3 large eggs
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 ts baking soda
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp kosher salt or sea salt
1/2 c organic granulated sugar (can add up to 1 cup if you like sweeter cake)

Chocolate-covered Toffee

This recipe came together much easier than I thought it would. It's best if this is shared with a group of people rather than noshing on it yourself. It is a sugar, fat, and calorie-dense food item that I plated as one of the appetizers for this year's Stragglers Thanksgiving. The calorie penalty shouldn't be too bad split among 20+ guests. 

There are two stages to this. First, make the toffee. The second stage involves melting dark, semisweet or milk chocolate chips on the toffee while it is still hot. Better start with your chocolate chips at room temperature. 
Chocolate Covered Toffee


1 c unsalted butter, cut into chunks (melts faster)
1 c organic granulated sugar
1/4 c filtered water
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 c semi-sweet chocolate chips


1. Butter a 13" x 9" glass baking dish and set aside. This is so that the toffee comes out smoothly.

2. In a heavy-bottomed pot, attach a candy thermometer to the side of the pot and bring the butter, sugar, water, and salt to a rolling boil. This should take just under 10 minutes to bring the mixture to a boil. Stir occasionally. When the thermometer reads 300 degrees F, remove it from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract.

Total cooking time is roughly 18-20 minutes.

3. Pour the hot toffee into the prepared pan. Tilt the sides of the pan to evenly distribute the toffee. Sprinkle the chocolate chips over the top and let this sit for about 5 minutes so that the chips melt from the residual heat. Using an off-set spatula, spread the chocolate over the toffee.

When the toffee cools, it'll set. You can hasten its cooling but setting the entire pan in the fridge to cool. To remove, invert the pan onto a cutting board or parchment paper-lined cutting board. Use a sharp knife to cut into bite-sized pieces.

Lentil Sausage Soup

This is my first time cooking with green lentils. I originally bought a bag of lentils (12 grams of protein per serving) as an ingredient to make protein powder for a smoothie; but alas, the weather turned really cold and I haven't been in the mood to make it. Despite their small size, I am still baffled by how long these cook to become tender. Since the green ones usually are sold whole, I wonder if they're easy to grow. Apparently you can also sprout them indoors for fresh sprouts.

Serves 1.


1 1/2 c water
1 tsp Organic Better than Bouillon (beef flavor)
1/4 c whole green lentils
1 sausage, any variety, cut into pieces


Bring everything to a boil, then simmer partly covered over low heat for 25 minutes. Lentils should be done. Give it a stir every so often so the lentils don't burn.

Serve hot.

[update] Wow, this is really salty. Maybe no almost-instant bouillon next time, just a good hearty broth.

Daikon Soup

My folks make this soup the traditional way...with a pork bone broth. Traditionally, it is cooked with other earthy ingredients such as shitake mushrooms, some fresh ginger, and maybe a carrot or two for color. The broth itself should be clear, if you're using a meat broth. This version did not come out looking all that clear since I used store bought vegetable broth. 


1 large daikon radish, peeled and cut into chunks
1 quart vegetable broth
2 cups water
2 organic carrots, chopped into 1" pieces
4 dried shitake mushrooms, rehydrated and sliced
1 tsp kosher salt


1. Bring ingredients to a boil, including the reserved mushroom dashi and exclude the carrots. 

2. Simmer on low for an hour or until the radish is fork-tender. Add carrots to the last 15 minutes of cook time.

3. Remove from heat and serve hot.

Quick Pickled Daikon Radish

I picked up a daikon radish at the market today. What you're looking for in this particular radish is that it is fat, white, and has really smooth skin with few roots. This is a water-dense vegetable, so keep that in mind with the prep steps. I used a large hole grater to grate the radish; but you can also cut the radish into matchstick sized pieces. I opted for the former because it took less time. I also drained and squeezed out as much of the water from the grated radish before adding it to a pickling brine.

This makes 1 pint of pickled radish.


1 pint Mason glass jar, cleaned
1/2 lb daikon radish, peeled and sliced
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tbsp organic granulated sugar
1/2 c rice vinegar


In the pint jar, add salt, sugar, and vinegar. Stir to dissolve salt and sugar. Add daikon radish and stir to combine. Cover with lid and refrigerate overnight before using.

Baked Chicken with Kimchi

This dish is quick, easy and requires just a little preparation. I use an oven safe stainless steel skillet for this. It does not reheat well by stovetop or oven; so keep that in mind when planning for leftovers. Depending on the saltiness of the kimchi, there is no need to salt this dish. At the same time, you could make oven baked rice to complement the chicken. I've been using chicken thighs and other cuts could be used instead, except for skinless chicken breast. It has a different cook time than bone-in chicken meat.  If you want to be extra creative, you can reserve the chicken bones from this recipe to make chicken stock later. Simply gather all the chicken bones and freeze them until needed.

I've had mixed results cooking with skinless/boneless chicken meat. If you are using skinless chicken, you may just want to stir-fry the chicken meat (cut into 1/2" pieces) with the kimchi instead of baking.


1 lb raw chicken parts, with skin and bone-in
1 c homemade kimchi


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

1. In a skillet, add kimchi to the bottom then arrange chicken in a single layer on top.

2. Bake for 40 minutes, or until a meat thermometer measures 160 degrees F in the thickest part of the chicken.

3. Remove from oven and serve hot.

Plate with oven baked rice or baked sweet potatoes (these also cook for the same amount of time at the same heat setting).

Coconut Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

This is a freeform cookie experiment. I didn't really start with a cookie base; if I did, it started this way.. Two sticks of butter plus one cup of brown sugar with two room temperature eggs. I wasn't aiming to make a sweet cookie. Hot out of the oven, these cookies disintegrate upon eating. While they look nice out in the tray, they are hard to remove without a spoon or flat spatula. I baked a dozen on a rimmed cookie sheet and another dozen in a muffin tin. It looks like, the muffin tin is the way to go for these cookies. They spread a little, but the muffin tin helps to keep the rounded shape. I think the amount of brown sugar is plenty for the sweetness. The more I play with the cookie crumbs on a plate, the more I think this would make an excellent streusel topping for some other dessert.

Makes 3 dozen.
Coconut raisin cookies. Looks normal?


2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
2 large eggs, room temperature
2 tbsp raw chia seeds (optional)
2 c old fashioned oatmeal, coarsely ground
1 c golden raisins
1/2 c sweetened (or unsweetened) grated coconut (optional)
1/2 c cake flour
1/4 c coconut flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
pinch of sea salt


Preheat oven to 350 F.

1. Cream butter, sugar, and vanilla extract together, add eggs, then mix everything together in a large bowl.

2. Roll a tablespoon of cookie dough into a ball and place each ball into the cavity of a muffin tin.

3. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the bottoms are golden brown.

Let cook on a rack.

Braised Bamboo Shoots

In a previous life, I might have been a panda because of my love of bamboo shoots. I love them braised, pickled, fried, and stewed. Fresh bamboo shoots are hard to come by in the Pacific Northwest. A few of the larger Asian grocery stores (Fubonn, Uwajimaya, etc.) carry it in vacuum-sealed packs. I use the canned winter bamboo shoots. They are more tender. The canned variety offers different cuts, some are flat and rectangular like miniature planks of wood, others are cut to matchstick size, and some manufacturers have the peeled shoot. Bamboo on its own is bland and nearly flavorless. But, it is very high in fiber and very, very low in calories. A cup of bamboo shoots has about 25 calories. It's a good side dish.


1 lb peeled winter bamboo shoots, cut into thin strips or matchsticks
3 tbsp soy sauce (or a combination of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce)
3 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine
1 tsp brown sugar, optional
3 scallions (green onions), cut into 1" pieces
1" piece of fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
1 tsp sesame oil
peanut oil or olive oil, for frying

1/2 c dried shitake mushrooms (rehydrated, stemmed and quartered) or 1 c fresh shitake mushrooms, quartered --optional


0. In a small bowl, combine rice wine, soy sauce and sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar.

1. Heat oil in a large frying pan until it is hot. Add green onions and ginger. Stir fry until the oil is fragrant and the green onions turn a rich green color. Add bamboo shoots and soy/wine sauce. Stir until combined. Simmer until the liquid has almost evaporated entirely.

2. Remove from heat and finish with sesame oil (if using). Serve hot.

Kitchen Notes: Hacking the Coconut

The coconut can be a very formidable opponent in the kitchen. And, granted it has taken me much longer than all the YouTube videos combined that I've watched on how to open a brown coconut. I swear, I did whack it with a hammer and to no avail. Finally, tonight It opened with minimal effort.

There's a video that shows how to open a coconut in 30 seconds. Except the prep time is 12 hours! Needless to say, this was my first attempt. I put the coconut in the freezer for 12 hours, took it out, whacked it with the hammer and nothing happened.

Back into the fridge it went for thawing.

Then, I took a philips screwdriver and a hammer and pierced the coconut's eyes. Draining the coconut of its water yielded almost a cup of coconut water. I hear it has a lot of potassium and electrolytes.

After that, I used the Alton Brown method and preheated the oven to 375 degrees F, then baked the coconut for 15 minutes. The coconut isn't that hot out of the oven, but you'll still want to wear an oven mitt because of the chaff of the outer husk. Give the coconut a few good whacks with the hammer and the shell will start to crack and come off. Use a vegetable peeler to peel off the stubborn inner skin.

What you should have left is a whole coconut, minus the outer hard shell. At least I didn't have to pry the meat out of the shell with a paring knife and scrape off the inner brown skin.
A peeled coconut, ready for use

Rice Flour Flat Bread (Gluten Free Tortillas)

Just because it's made with rice flour does not mean this will be healthier for you. On my first attempt, they taste okay. I'm not sure what these are supposed to taste like; though, I could probably find out by ordering Chokha ni Rotli at an Indian restaurant. This recipe ratio comes from the Indiaphile blog.
Rice Flour Flat Bread (Tortillas)

These are really bland to eat. Better pair them with a spicy chutney, hummus, or other potently flavored spread.

Approx calories: 816 (divide this by the number of pieces made)


1 c rice flour
2 c water
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp sea salt
additional rice flour for dusting


1. In a small saucepan, heat water, oil, and salt until it just comes to a boil. Remove from heat.

2. Add rice flour to a large bowl. Slowly pour in the hot water, stirring to combine with the flour with a wooden spoon. (I tried stirring with a rubber spatula and that didn't quite work.)

3. Generously flour a silicone mat with rice flour. Be sure to flour the rolling pin as well, this does get a bit sticky but less sticky as the dough cools down.

4. Roll out the dough to form a log and divide into equal portions. Depending on how small or large you make the portions, you can easily divide this into 8, 10, or 12 pieces.

5. Form a ball with each piece and flatten with the palm of your hand. Gently roll it out into a circle or rectangle. Don't press too hard on the dough or it will stick to the rolling pin.

6. While you are rolling out the dough, heat a cast iron skillet without oil. When it is hot, place one flat bread on the skillet. As the water in the dough steams off, bubbles will appear on the top. Flip the bread over with an offset spatula or flat sided tongs. (I used a pie server because it was my only offset flat utensil).

7. Remove cooked flat bread and set onto a plate with a clean kitchen towel. The towel will absorb whatever steam comes off the flat bread. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough.

Baked Delicata Squash

The very first time I tried delicata squash, I didn't realize how sweet it was. Savory herbs and earthy spices pair well with this. For the amount of prep work, I have to cross it off my list of potential vegetable dishes for Thanksgiving unless I can find helpers to peel the squash and scrape out the seeds. I ate this squash in one sitting. You know that myth about vegetables having bulk to make you feel more full? I think it's still a myth. I could certainly eat another.

I did not preheat the oven.


1 delicata squash, peeled, seeded and chopped
olive oil
five spice powder
ground thyme
sea salt, to taste


Toss squash chunks in olive oil then spread in a single layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle spices and salt on top. 

Bake at 375 degrees F for 40 minutes. 

Serve hot.


Making salsa is neither hard nor time consuming, but having all the necessary ingredients on hand is the troublesome part. There is certainly some spice to it. And, in early autumn, all of these ingredients are in season. The recipe ratio comes from Harold Shifflett's YouTube video.

Makes 10 pints
Lots of salsa for the winter


10 pounds fresh tomatoes, any variety
8 tomatillos
8 jalapenos
4 red chilis
2 green bell peppers
1 bunch fresh cilantro
2 heads of garlic, cloves removed
4 tbsp lime or lemon juice
4 tbsp kosher salt or sea salt (this tastes salty to me, maybe next time start with 3 tbsp)


1. Prepare ingredients for the food prep:

Wash and core tomatoes. Slice into wedges and set aside.
Wash and de-stem hot peppers (red chilis and jalapenos). Set aside.
Wash and core the bell pepper. Discard seeds. Roughly chop.
Discard the outer hull of the tomatillos. Wash fruit and set aside.
Peel outer layer then roughly chop the onion(s).
Wash cilantro bunch, remove brown leaves and stems. Roughly chop and set aside.
Peel and trim hard end from garlic cloves. Set aside.

2. Work in batches. Toss everything except the salt and lemon juice into a food prep or blender and puree until no big chunks remain.

3. Pour puree into a large stockpot, add 1 tbsp of salt at a time, add lemon or lime juice. Boil for 1.5 hours or until the salsa reaches a proper consistency (not too watery, not too chunky).

4. Process in a hot water canning bath for 10 minutes.

Pumpkin Spice Latte (Coffee or Tea)

If you like bits floating around in your tea, you can certainly skip straining the liquid before drinking. I strained it because I didn't want the spices to steep longer than they should. I would caution that you shouldn't drink this at night or before going to bed. These spices, while warming, are also stimulants. First time making this and after tasting, the recipe still needs some tweaking. Recipe can be doubled, as necessary.

Makes 1 cup.


1 cup organic milk (whole cow milk, coconut milk, almond milk, etc.)
1 tbsp organic pumpkin puree
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1 tsp loose leaf black tea or green tea (instant coffee, instant espresso, or 2 tbsp freshly ground coffee)
sweetener to taste (I used 2 tsp organic sugar)
ground cinnamon for garnish (optional)
organic whipped cream for garnish (optional, only 8 calories per tbsp!)


Heat milk, pumpkin, and pumpkin pie spice in a small saucepan. Don't let it scald or boil, a gentle simmer until the milk starts to foam. Remove from heat and pour through a mesh strainer into a mug. Stir in vanilla extract and sugar. Enjoy.

Pumpkin Pie Spice

This autumn, Portland is strangely sunny and dry. Not that I'm complaining mind you. The mornings are a bit chilly now (in the 40s) but for the most part very pleasant. I'd imagine you'd be using this in a pumpkin or sweet squash pie; but for today, I am using this in a chai tea latte.

The basic ratio goes like this:

4 tbsp ground cinnamon
4 tbsp ground nutmeg
4 tbsp ground ginger
3 tbsp ground allspice

Mix all spices together in a half pint mason jar. Stir until combined. Cap and label the jar. Use as directed by another recipe.

Steamed Bao with Pork and Nappa Cabbage

This is a different bao dough recipe than the other one (uses milk) or this one (uses milk powder) posted on this blog; the primary difference is that it doesn't call for dairy. For wrapping meat dumplings, it is very pliable and easy to work with. It's tastes ok. Though, it'll take a lot more tries to get the pleats to look "normal" at the top.
Steamed Bao, looks pretty ugly, tastes okay

Because it's autumn, it's about 60 degrees in the kitchen. I used a double boiler with a covered bowl insert to create a warm, dark environment for the yeast to rise. It's really quite clever. I didn't even have to crank the oven.

Sloppy Elk

I am cycling through the freezer and this ground elk is from earlier in the year. I thought I would do something different with it so I made Sloppy Joes.. with elk meat. After the copious amounts of doctored homemade ketchup, I really can't tell what I was thinking when I started this recipe. It's food and I'm hungry. Let's eat!


1 lb ground elk meat
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 c homemade ketchup, plus more for reheating
garlic powder, to taste
sea salt, to taste
freshly ground black pepper, to taste


In a large skillet, heat oil and add garlic. Fry the garlic a bit until lightly golden brown then add the peppers. Stir it around some more. Add the meat and the remainder of the ingredients. You should always be tasting this (after the meat has cooked).

The consistency should be about the same as spaghetti sauce, runny enough to be poured on top of bread, but not too liquidy to seep right through it. This can also be eaten on top of rice or other non-rice cooked grains.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cranberry Cookies

After having made a failed batch of protein powder to presumably make chocolate covered protein bars, I have perhaps stumbled across one of the most delicious tasting cookies I have made so far. Though, the amount of sugar in the recipe is a bit much. I could certainly cut it down.

This is what went into the protein powder:

wet ingredients

1/4 c homemade sugar cane syrup, heated to 220 F and cooled
2 tbsp organic peanut butter
1/2 c homemade pear sauce
1 tsp vanilla extract

dry ingredients

3/4 dark chocolate chips
2/3 c dried cranberries
2 c old fashioned organic oatmeal, pulsed briefly in a food prep
4 tbsp organic chia seed, pulsed briefly in a food prep
2 tbsp organic flax seeds, pulsed briefly in a food prep
2/3 c organic coconut flour

And, to help bring it together as a "dough", I added:

1 egg
1 stick unsalted butter, melted
1/4 c organic granulated sugar (omit next time)
1/2 c brown sugar


Mix together until all the ingredients stick together. Spooned onto a baking sheet lined with a silicon mat. Gently press down onto each cookie. These don't spread out, so a dozen can be baked on a single sheet at a time.

Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 minutes.

Makes 2 dozen tablespoon-sized cookies.