I should also add that tastes evolve over time and for whatever reason lurking in my subconscious, I only started using (and enjoying) yellow mustard as a condiment at age 26, and very recently started using ground black pepper. I love nutmeg, and no I haven't consumed enough in one sitting to actually have hallucinations. I like oregano in my tomato soup instead of basil. Oregano, salt, and pepper taste really good on fried eggs. I also like a pinch of cayenne pepper in my hot cocoa. That's some tasty schtuff! Heavens forbid I should become allergic to dead side of cow, or the shucked masses of the phyllum mollusca!
(Update: 2/27/08) I only recently started using (and strangely enough, liking) powdered milk in my tea. Hmm. It's very peculiar since I'm a full-fat milk drinker.