Kitchen Notes: Ingredient Cycling

My pantry is stocked with a lot of herbs and spices that I hardly use. Some herbs like tarragon, tomato powder, and lemongrass powder were bought for experimentation purposes. The lemongrass powder turned out to be a really good substitute for fresh lemongrass flavor in Asian meat dishes. I've come across a few chefs in the Pacific Northwest who regularly throw out jars of dried herbs for "freshness" reasons, but depending on the spice or herb. I recommend against that practice. What gives a dish it's unique flavor comes from the oils of an herb, which are more prevalent and potent in fresh or recently dried herbs. There are some ingredients that will last indefinitely if stored properly (clean, airtight glass jars) such as saffron, cardamom pods, dried hot peppers, cinnamon bark, etc.

Over the years, the food-related resolutions have evolved over a necessity to a) reduce food waste, b) cycle through pantry items in a reasonable manner before the expiration date, and c) keep cooking interesting.

The freezer has the resolution that no new meat may be bought until less than a week's worth of meals remains; although, I'll certainly buy seafood and/or meat if it's in season or on sale.

The refrigerator has a one-week eating period, meaning that any cooked foods not eaten within one week are tossed (to be composted in the yard, if non-meat). This is just to keep up with safer food practices. Also, since cheese is very perishable, unused cheese is frozen except for cheese used for sandwiches.

The pantry is on a one-year cycle, meaning that everything has to be cycled through within a year like canned goods, cereal, dried nuts, etc. Excluded from this cycle are dried beans, rice, dried noodles, dried mushrooms, etc. Canned and boxed goods within their expiration date but not used in a year are donated to food drives.

The food drives and food banks do not accept homemade jams, breads, or other food products unless they were made in a commercial kitchen. So that really begs the question of, what do I do with the jams and fruit butters that I make that I don't consume, other than shipping it out as gifts as currently do now. *ponder*
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