Kitchen Note: Pricing a Cup of Soup

Pre-made soups can be pretty convenient when it comes to cooking for one. But, why would you want to? Most contain a large quantity of sodium, MSG, and a host of other questionable ingredients. And the "organic" labelled soups can get really costly after a while. Here's a simple cost breakdown of the most recent soup post, split pea soup with ham and bacon:

3 small red potatoes (~ 12 oz), $0.60
3 medium organic carrots, $0.50
spices, $0.02
2 strips of natural preservative-free bacon, $1.12
2 qts chicken broth, homemade, $0.00
2 garlic cloves, $0.06 (assuming $0.25/bulb and 8 cloves/bulb)
1/2 box Hormel natural lunch meat, $1.00
1 lb dried split peas, $1.00

Total ingredient cost: $4.30

I have the broth at $0 since I made it myself. You could always substitute it for water in any soup recipe. This particular batch made 2.5 quarts. Assume each serving is about a cup (8 oz) because that's what it is at restaurants, grocery stores, and food carts. This is roughly 10 cups of soup, or $0.43/serving.

Think about that the next time you order a half sandwich and cup of soup at a restaurant.