Kitchen Notes: Kimchi Pairings

After failing to properly can a batch of kimchi, I have four pint jars of it in my refrigerator. The fifth jar that I took into work seems as unpopular as the fresh longan and fresh litchis that I also brought into work. The kimchi wasn't done fermenting (only a week + 2 days had transpired) and ended up getting cooked a little while canning, plus a lot of its liquid leaked out so I'm not sure how much "life" the jars have in the fridge since then.

Here is the scale. The higher it is on the scale, the more likely it is to be served to others. I'll put comparative recipes in the scale for taste context. As a bachelorette, I'll eat most things that rank at or above a 7. Some of these I've done, some suggestions are imaginary. The kimchi and clam chowder was not imaginary but I think it might taste okay with the Boston version instead.

10 (best, is that even possible?)

9.9 - (my Dad's roast duck recipe)

8 - kimchi and pork stew (Korean jigae)

7.5 - baked chicken parts with kimchi

7.2 - kimchi and beef/pork/shrimp/vegetable pho broth

7.1 - kimchi with ramen noodles

7.0 - homemade kimchi straight from the jar

3 - kimchi and New England Clam Chowder

2 - kimchi using Chinese white radish

1.1 - (tuna casserole)

1 (worst, into the compost heap it goes)
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