The Asian shopping list - Dec '07

I only just realized that today is pretty much the last week before Xmas where everyone tries to do as much shopping as possible before that day. I had expected a large crowd at Ranch 99 and was not disappointed when I got there. While maybe 75% of the Chinese population or more in southern California does not celebrate the day, they still like to eat food a lot and any holiday that grants them extra time off to cook even more food is a good thing. Always write down what you think you need before you go to any Asian food mart. Things will be on sale that aren't on your list and you can easily find yourself overbudget and without any fridge space to accommodate it all.

I really only needed a few things from the store. Sure, it is 25 miles away, but these are kitchen necessities. Besides, how was I going to attempt mapo tofu (hot spicy tofu) without hot bean sauce?

A few things came out of this shopping trip. For one, I found that the Ranch 99 carries whole rabbit meat so that'll be an interesting item to pick up next Easter when every kid on the block is out hunting for eggs, I'll be roasting the iconic rabbit. Mmmm. Sounds like a plan. The second thing I found was that I was much less inclined towards the tempting items not on my shopping list. I think mostly it's because I know I could make the item myself but am too lazy to do it. Buying the item pre-made doesn't make me any less lazy, it just makes me fat and lazy. So, I have opted to not toss items like shao bing (flat sesame bread), green onion pancakes, chiao siu bau (?), and fried gyoza into the cart.

The list included ground pork, hot bean sauce, fresh shitake mushrooms, green onions, vegetables (I just pick up my favorites), ginger, garlic, large shrimp, and xiao xing wine (red rice wine). Of the vegetables, I got on choy, baby bok choy, bean sprouts (the mung bean variety, not the soy bean sprouts), a green cabbage, and Taiwan bai chai. Not on the list but also picked up were fresh giant enoki mushrooms (3/pk), normal enoki mushrooms, preserved duck eggs, chestnuts, two frozen ducks, three cans of the litchi-flavored grass jelly drink, and some red bean mochi.

The total bill? $50.
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