Showing posts with label hot peppers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hot peppers. Show all posts

Preserving Roasted Hatch Chiles

It seems that either canning roasted hot peppers is so commonplace, like making bread, that everyone knows how to do it or doing so without a pressure cooker isn't safe to do so. At any rate, I couldn't find a canning process on the net that actually tell you how to preserve the summer's bounty of hatch chiles. I can't possibly be the only Pacific Northwesterner who enjoys seasonal fruits and vegetables outside of growing seasons. These are great with nachos and cheese.

Wikipedia suggests that the Scoville scale of these peppers ranges from 0 (unlikely!) to 70,000 (more likely). I de-skinned and de-seeded the roasted chiles without gloves and so far no problems. Not like that one time I rubbed my eyes after handling cayenne peppers. Oh the agony!
2015-09 Roasted Hatch Chiles
Prepare the Hatch Chiles (or Anahein, Jalapeno, or whatever hot chile pepper you have)

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