Toasted Pumpkin and Winter Squash Seeds

Sure, nearly all squash seeds are edible, but some definitely yield larger seeds than others. These are edible seeds worthy of toasting: butternut squash, kabocha squash, jack-o-lantern pumpkins (the ones that usually get carved up into scary shapes), sugar pumpkins, and acorn squash.

Basic Prep Method:

Remove seeds from the squash, and discard any strings or pulp. Wash the seeds and spread them to dry on a parchment or Silpat-lined baking sheet. I put mine in a salad spinner and then onto a Silpat-lined baking sheet to dry more. I don't recommend using paper towels or kitchen towels because as they dry, the seeds will stick to the paper or pick up lint from the kitchen towels.

If using flavorings, mix the flavorings with the seeds prior to heating.

Heating Method(s):

Heat a skillet over medium heat. Toss in the squash seeds and cook, occasionally shaking or stirring the pan. Once the seeds start to "pop", they are done. Do not let the seeds burn. Remove from heat. If using a spice mix flavoring, taste one before adding additional spices and/or salt.


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake seeds for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the seeds are a light golden brown color. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

Flavoring Options:

1-2 tbsp olive oil + spices to taste (cayenne pepper or paprika, sea salt, black pepper)
1 1/2 tbsp butter or olive oil & 2 tsp kosher salt
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